

I started eating carrots again





I started eating carrots again

Did anyone else read Sweet Valley Twin series as a kid? My parents bought me some of those books, my older cousin also had some copies and the old school library also kept a few copies. I devoured those books like candies from ages 7 to 10. (I moved on to Harry Potter after that. Big leap, huh?) It just reminds me that in one of the books, Jessica, the popular twin, had to wear prescription glasses, but she was mercilessly teased about them. Determined to look like her pretty little ol' self again, she kept on eating carrots and at some point, she was wondering if she was turning orange. (Peer pressure, don't let it get to you, kids Dr Max.)

See, I have always loved carrots as a kid, but after reading that story coffee machine, I was beginning to wonder if I was turning very orange, afraid I'd start to look like an oompa loompa. I stopped eating carrots, much to my parents' surprise. I remember them sitting me down on afternoon and explaining to me all about vitamins and minerals, and how our bodies need the proper nutrients to function optimally. I started eating carrots again ego one mega.

You can imagine just how much I love incorporating carrots to my dishes and baked goods. Carrot cake was second type of cake I ever baked when I started learning (banana was the first - classic). Of course I had to add carrots to my oatmeal and recreate my beloved carrot cake for breakfast as well. One can never have too many carrots hotel hk, right?



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